Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2 months!

How can my babygirl be 2 months old?!?!? Time flies when you are having fun.

At Tommi's 2 month appt she was 10lbs 15ozs (50%) and 23 and 3/4inches long (above 90%). We are gonna have a tall daughter...yippy! The dr was very impressed how healthy she is! I'm VERY proud! She developmentally is about the level of a 3 month old. So that makes me happy too!

She is becoming SO alert, smiling and "talking". She really loves her mommy! I walk into a room or anywhere around her, the attention locks on me! I get the most smiles too!

I LOVE life as a mom! I knew I would love it but had no idea how heart over flows with love for her!

Here is my beauty...

Check out those long legs!

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