Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Tommi was eating Cheerios earlier and I looked over and saw this...

Yes, a cheerio stuck to her face with SNOT! hahahaha

She knew it was funny too b/c she kept laughing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura! Thanks for stopping by with words of encouragement on my blog! Scott and I are SUPER excited to be parents and can't wait for September to get here!!!! Tommi is just adorable, by the way! What a cutie pie you have! I bet they get big so fast, too. Hope all is well with you and your family! Looking forward to sharing more of this new journey with you! :)

PS--Thanks so much for the tip about the fetal doppler. I've definitely thought about it, but my fear is that I'll become waaaaaaay too obsessed! Haha. We shall see ;)