I have been so bad about posting. Tommi is so full of humor and is forever doing something new.
She is SO smart. She learns so quickly and is happy to show off as long as she gets lots of praise and laughs! She will do anything for a laugh!
She knows many body parts...head, hair, nose, mouth, tongue, ears, belly, feet, and toes.
She says light, cat, dog, hey, daddy, mama, ooney (Rooney mom's dog), and something that sounds alot like Chase and she says it when she sees him too! She talks...ALL THE TIME! Seriously she talks like she is having a total conversation too...when she really starts talking it will be non-stop. I guess this is pay back...I will be using my moms famous quote "Rest your voice" haha
She is really turning into quite the little girl! I am so proud of her! She is just so amazing...yes she is a pain in my butt at times but whose child isn't.
She is the most loving person I have ever met. She "loves" everything! From her cup to stuffed animals to her own feet haha
So as much as she looks like TJ she is just like me in some cases (maybe I'm just hoping but go with it). She is opinionated...when she doesn't want to eat something she does not eat at all or when she doesn't like something she will be sure to let you know! She loves the beach but wanted to sit on the blanket while playing in the sand...hmm weird child! She was covered from head to toe in sand but wanted her butt on the blanket.
She is the queen of baths, I have to make her get out every night. She does not like getting out b/c she LOVES the water!
She loves to play with baby dolls, cars, and anything that makes lots of noise! I guess she is well rounded!
I'll post pics soon!