Written 5/16/2011
So finding out about this pregnancy has been a bit different than the last. This time I was very aware of my body and my periods were on time. So it took almost all of week 4 to finally convince myself it was real. Monday I got a negative which I pulled out of the trash (yes it was clean, and actually the only thing in the can) to see it had a second line. I figured it was a fluke b/c they tell you not to read it after like 10 min or something. So I took 2 tests Tuesday morning one was negative the other very faintly positive. I was still in denial. Wednesday I got 2 positives, faintly but they were there. Of course I was still shell shocked that only one month of no birth control could result in a pregnancy but convinced I was pregnant. I continued to take tests Thursday and Friday morning. Friday I took a digital one just to actually see the word 'Pregnant'.
I still have a couple tests and knowing me I will take one here and there till I go see the dr or I start feeling symptoms.
The only symptoms I have as of now, day one of week 5, missed period, period like cramps, back pain, and frequent peeing. Last time at this point my boobs hurt so bad I couldn't stand it and I was super emotional but every pregnancy is different.
Mom and dad were in St Martaan all week so I finally was able to talk to mom on Saturday and HAD to tell her. So I told her "you are gonna be grandparents again!" Mom and dad were thrilled...mom said the same thing I did about being due in January "Cold month" but I know she couldn't be happier. I texted both my brothers which they were super excited too!
On Sunday when we went down to dinner at TJ's parents, with his sister and her family. We told Tommi "Tell Sissy what you are gonna be." She shyfully said "Big sister" of course they were all shocked but still not surprised b/c it was bound to happen before long. :)
I have a dr appt on June 6th. That is 4 weeks, which is killing me but I guess that is the way it works. I'm SO ready to see this munchkin and make sure everything is going well with the pregnancy. As of now the due date is Jan 16, 2012. YAY!!!