I am already considering changing my name..."mama" is just not working out for me.
I had lunch with a good friend this afternoon and while she was sharing some pretty exciting news with me, my child was smacking me saying "mama mama mama mama, pizza" I was trying VERY hard to keep my cool! She was not being mean or stubborn about it just didn't understand why she didn't have her pizza yet. Which in a one year old mind time does not make sense I felt her pain. But OMG I was embarrassed/frustrated/confused/excited/etc. all in those minutes. I seriously wanted to walk out and pretend mama was not my name!
Then as we leave the restaurant I became the mother I am ashamed to see when my child runs away from me and I have to grab her up with my hands full and clumsily pick her up to walk across the parking lot with everyone staring at me :( I just wanted to break down and cry.
I have bragged on how good Tommi is during outings but this one was totally out of character for her! UGH!
So now my dear sweet friend who is 9 weeks pregnant is scared out of her life to have a child like mine!!!
I still wanna cry 3 hours later b/c I felt so out of control of my child and that is not the case...she is NOT that wild child I shake my head at and I'm NOT that mom who lets her child run wild in public.
Nap time is here and I'm gonna go lose myself in a book!
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