Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz (25%)
Height: 26 1/4 inches (upper 50%)
So what is going on with Tommi...
*She is sitting by herself...for a little while till she loses her balance and falls over.:) But she sits really well when she is sitting up
*She is trying more solid foods...only a little is swallowed but I believe it is more and more everyday. Bananas and sweet potatoes are the favs...considering she has not tried anything else other than applesauce and cereal:)
*She is super social...wants ALL the attention! She was sitting at dinner on Sunday and kept "coughing" so her cousins would pay attention to her...and of course they were glad to! She has got all of them in the palm of her hand!
*She loves to "party"...kicking, giggling, and smiling as bright as the sun!
*She has her 2 bottom teeth!:) Which she enjoys using to bite anything within reach!
*She LOVES her hands and feet! They are the best play toys!
*She is very verbal and loves "talking" or making any noise she can figure out how to make!
That is all I can think of currently but she is getting to be super smart and SO much fun!!!
Being a mom to Tommi is the best job in the whole world! I have never been so happy in all my matter how frustrating she gets to be. She smiles with her big gummy smile and squinted eyes and my heart melts! I am the luckiest mom ever!!!!
So here is my big girl on her half birthday!!:)
Bouncing in her jumper...a very short time ago her feet didn't touch!
Sitting up like a big girl!!!
My pretty girl...with her bright eyes:)
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