Just recently she has started signing please and more. They are her own versions of the signs but none the less they mean the same thing. She doesn't quite understand please doesn't give you anything you want...but it is still cute and hard to resist. She is now saying NO and shaking her head. It is nice but she will walk around just saying NO! But still cute!
She is still a total ham...doing anything for a laugh. She is also the sweetest little thing ever...most of the time! She will be at TJ's games and just start waving at people and no one can resist smiling at her :) She loves the attention!
Tommi cracks everyone up every time she sees a dog...or as she says it 'dawggg' (with a growl).
She has quite the personality and is definitely her Mommy's girl in the talking department...she will just sit in the car and talk with hands and all! I love it and enjoy our conversations. So when she really starts making sense things may be different b/c who knows what she will have to say but for now she is so much fun!
I still love being a mom more than anything in the world! I was made to do this job...the number 1 lesson...this too shall pass! Which my amazing mother so gracefully has told me for months but I finally can say...yes it will. Tomorrow is always a new day!
Isn't that the sweetest face?
Cheer on daddys team!
"loving" daddy!