So TJ and I went to visit Big Mama, Pappy, and Uncle Luke this weekend. TJ got to go striper fishing with something mom and dad at won at a charity event! He and his friend Anthony had a blast! So who cares about fishing...lets talk about baby!:)
So I have not seen my mom since we found out about baby being a girl! Anyone who knows her knows she had to go shopping for the little munchkin! But she surprised me and did not go too crazy and everything she bought is TOO adorable and I can't wait to put my little monkey girl in all her awesome outfits!!!! hehe She is spoiled already!
I also got a HUGE box from my Uncle and his wife of baby clothes. They just had twins in June so they had TONS of clothes! It's all either new or very close! So babygirl Frazier is set for the first few months of life with clothes! I just love looking at all the little clothes and can't even imagine how she will fit into stuff so tiny! It's crazy! So a HUGE thanks to uncle Jon and Jinnah for the awesome clothes!
I'm sooo excited I have a dr appt tomorrow! I have never been excited for dr appts till I got pregnant, now I love them! hehe Then next Monday I get to go to Baby in Me and see my little girl again in a 4D ultra sound! I'm soooo excited! We will get to see her cute features...she is not too chubby yet so she will fill out but I am excited to see her playing! Yippy!
I was talkin to an older man at church last night and he said "How much longer do you have?" I told him 'about 4 months' then when I got back to my seat I's less than 4 months now!!! We are now in the middle of Dec and she will be here in the beginning of April! So crazy!!!
I'm just sooo excited for the coming months b/c now they just get more exciting. I can't wait for baby showers and setting up her room! It's all so fun! So I will post tomorrow and let everyone know how the dr appt went! Maybe if I'm feeling up to it I will post a belly picture but we will see:)