Thursday, August 26, 2010

Talking and tickling

I may have posted this a few times but Tommi is definitely a talker! Tonight we were at one of TJ's friends shops and they had their dogs in the car and Tommi kept pointing to the truck and talking non stop about them I guess. It seriously just sounds like she is talking a foreign language with some English thrown in. She is so matter of fact, pointing, putting her hands on her hips, etc. It is amazing!

Tonight at dinner she looked at TJ said Dada and then proceeded to tell him something all while pointing at her hand like something was on it. We were both cracking up! It is amazing how much of a personality she has and how smart she is getting.

I tell her "look at mama" when I need her to pay attention...95% of the time it works and she looks right at me. She is a pretty good listener most of the really impresses me. When she walks away from me most of the time she will come right back when I call for her. Unless their are other kids or animals haha

I know I'm bias but I have such an amazing little girl. She is everything and more I could have dreamed of. She is laid back with the sweetest personality with a bit of spunk thrown in. I again can't get across how great she is...but anyone who spends anytime with her (after she warms up) they can't get enough of her.

So she has also started the cutest thing ever...if I tell her to go tickle daddy she will go toward TJ wiggling her fingers saying "tick, tick". We roll laughing every time she does it. Maybe I can get it on tape soon...but knowing her she doesn't like to perform when I film!

Gosh I love her!!!

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