Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I am tired of defending my babys size! She is petite, healthy, and perfect!!! It is amazing how the general public feels it is their "duty" tell me my baby is smaller than "normal". What is normal? Honestly, ALL babies are different. That is why in percentiles someone has to be in the 1% and someone has to be in the 100% both can be healthy! I LOVE chunky rolly polly babies! But neither of my kids are or were rolly pollies. They eat like it sometimes though. The figure we all strive for as adults is looked down upon in children. Long and lean...my girls just are ahead of the game! I hate that I find myself getting my feels hurt by peoples comments but I KNOW Miley is well taken care of and healthy as can be! I am not gonna start her on food before she is ready just b/c she is on the smaller side of things and I'm most definitely not gonna switch to formula for no reason but to please people I don't even know and people who don't know what they are talking about. Their are chubby breastfed babies and skinny breastfed babies, as well as chubby formula fed babies and skinny formula fed babies (not super common but it does happen). My public announcement for the day is...take a moment to think how your comment will effect the other person.


mallory said...

I hear you! Both my kids were breastfed and Parks went through a "chubby" stage in infancy but Reese has been in the 5th percentile since about 6 months and has stayed there. Like Miley, she is perfectly healthy and growing, just petite! Cheers to petite little girls!

Danielle Snider said...

its because most of america (including kids) are obese! so when they see a healthy child they freak out. its ridiculous. ive had parents worry that their child was too small bc they weren't chubby. seriously. our country is a little messed up.

Chasity said...

I know a girl who formula fed and both of her kids hung to the low end of the spectrum. Her oldest she had to put on a high fat diet because he didn't gain weight for several months and the PEDIATRICIAN was concerned. So I really hate it when people assume it's because they're breastfed. If a DOCTOR isn't concerned then no one else should be! Rock on Laura, Miley looks like a happy and healthy baby to me!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I had someone tell me my little man was big for two months. Made me feel like I was maybe a bad mom and feeding him more than I should. When he had his two month check up, the doc said his weight was fine! Sometimes people just don't think before they speak!