I really am trying to really enjoy every moment of this pregnancy. She is such an active and fun baby I love just watching her move around and just enjoy the time we have together as one. I will love having her out to look at her beautiful face but there is something amazing about knowing I am one with my little girl.
Plus I am actually really liking the way I look. I didn't think I would carry very well just b/c I figured I wouldn't get that lucky but I have such a fun belly it's like a little basketball! I love it! I will find out on Tuesday if I have gained anymore...according to my scale I have gained 5 or 6 lbs. Which is so weird to me but I'm still ok with it b/c I know she is growing.
This week she is about 2lbs and approx 14.5 inches long with her legs extended. Her brain is becoming more active and her lungs are still developing but if she were born now she could breath with a little help.
Not too much else is going on these days. My back is hurting me a lot but with a pillow for support it helps. I have not been sleeping all that well even though I'm tired most of the time. I tend to wake up a lot with hip pain and back pain, I just have to switch positions and fall back to sleep. I have a pregnancy sleep pillow which does help but I'm a mover in my sleep so it shifts alot. I do hope that will get better but otherwise it's all good!
I have a dr appt on Tuesday and after this one we will be going every 2 weeks! Wow this is gonna start to fly by. Daddy and I get to see her again b/c they are doing another u/s to check her growth! So I'm excited to see her again!
Now for some pictures... First baby then me....
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