My SIL asked me if I could take my youngest nephew (he is 10)with us...Tommi heard her ask and has been super excited. She LOVES her cousin Sam...she says he is her best friend. He is so good about playing with her and including her in everything.
Well trick or treating was a success with very few incidents with Tommi being scared...which I'm super thankful for. Sam was such a help and made it so much more fun for Tommi to have a "buddy". She had a blast asking every house, "where are we going next?" Up here we have to drive from house to house and only go to friends and family, well with that it took us 2 hours! We were all worn out by the end but had lots of candy and had alot of fun.
After getting back to TJ's moms house to drop Sam off. Tommi wanted to stay and play she spent over an hour running around playing with Sam some more. Then as we were leaving she asked if we could do it again tomorrow! haha If she doesn't sleep like a log tonight I'm gonna be shocked. She was SO tired but had such a great night!
She was a cowgirl...the outfit was supposed to "fit a 2 to 4 year old" but was just right on her. The hat needed to be barely fit her head and she didn't want to wear it most of the time b/c it wouldn't stay on.
Not sure what is up with this face but I LOVE it!
Mommy, Tommi, and Monkey :)
At the first stop...TJ's moms. I love Sam's costume!