Tuesday, October 25, 2011


While driving this evening Tommi said "Mommy why do bears grrrrr?" "Do you mean why do they growl?" She said "Yeah" I explained that is how they communicate and "talk" to each other. They don't just do it when they are angry, they do it when they are telling each other stuff, like ducks quack and dogs bark. She liked this answer, which I'm thankful for b/c I was not sure how else to explain it.

She asks questions I never thought a 2.5 year old would ever think of. She wants to know how everything works and why.

She also told me today while eating an apple that she was eating it so she could have lots of energy to play. Where did she learn food gave you energy I will never know but it is totally awesome.

I wish I could videotape our lives and conversations daily. I could never remember it all and it is definitely some good stuff. Her intelligent talking actually amazed a lady at the drs today who had her daughter there who was a month older than Tommi. She just couldn't get over how well Tommi talked and how well mannered she was....PROUD MOMMY MOMENT! I can't take credit for it all, I think she is just smart on her own but I do feel like I must be doing something right.

Another reason this post is named growling b/c Tommi growls alot now. When she gets mad she growls out of frustration but she also does it when she is trying to be silly. When she is being silly we act like it scares us and she tells us "Mommy I'm just pretending" or "Daddy don't be scared it is just me"

I love this girl....not sure how my heart can grow much more to fit enough love for the both of my girls but know it will! But I am praying Monkey is a little more laid back b/c 2 big personalities might be a bit much. But my mom did survive my big brother and I so it is do able!

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