So Tommi has had a cough for a couple days but it was only at night and when she was running around. I chalked it up to dry weather and the change of temperatures so often.
Well last night before bed it got worse so I gave her a low dose of Delsum which helped for a little while but then she was up a million times. Her cough would wake her up and she would want me to just check on her. At around 4am she called for me b/c she said she had to go pee, which I figured she was just awake and had to go so she wanted to go. Well I picked her up and she was SUPER hot. I took her temp and it was 101.4. She said she was thirsty so I took her out to the living room to get a drink and due to her crazy cough we snuggled up in the recliner and went to sleep. We slept off and on between coughing. So basically neither of us got alot of sleep.
Today we laid low and basically snuggled all day. She wouldn't let me out of her sight or more than a couple feet from her for long. She seemed to be doing ok other than coughing like crazy. Poor thing even coughed enough to make her self throw up. It was not cool but I figured we would ride it out and see where things went.
She went down for nap for about 40 min before coughing so much she wanted to be with me. At that point I brought her to my bed to see if I could get some rest out of her. She tried to sleep but had little luck with the cough. Finally after watching her cringe and cough enough I called the dr and the nurse said due to her age there was little I could give her to help her rest but I could bring her in and they would check her out if need be. So I decided that would be best for my peace of mind and maybe to get her some relief.
So 430pm we went to the dr and she did pretty well not flipping a lid too much and actually let them look at her. Well the dr heard some yuck in her lungs so they did a oxygen test and her numbers were 92-93, they informed me at 90 they put kids in the hospital. He did a blood test to see if it was bacterial or viral and it was viral. He diagnosed her with bronchiolitis or RSV.
She has to go back in the morning to see if her numbers get any better and if they drop anymore they will have to admit her. For now I am supposed to push fluids and keep her comfortable as possible. Hopefully the numbers get better b/c I really don't want to do the hospital thing. I am the only one in this family who needs to be hospitalized anytime soon.
I looked up about bronchiolitis and it is most common in those under 2, non-breastfed, preemies, males, those in daycare, kids from homes with smokers, etc. Every one of those is NOT Tommi. So how my kid gets this is beside me. She picked it up somewhere but who knows where.
I have a drs appt tomorrow which I planned to take Tommi to but definitely can't now. So TJ is supposed to meet me in town to hang out with Tommi while I go to my appt. That is if all goes well at her appt and I can go to mine.
For now I am hoping for a better night tonight...which is not likely but I can hope!
Tommi has LOTS of prayers coming her way and I know the Lord can touch her! I NEED her healthy for the arrival of her little sister!!! This is supposed to be a really exciting time!!