But Tommi has been on this not listening spell. I don't know how she compares to kids her age b/c I'm not around many of them. But I typically thought she was a good kid and I was succeeding at parenting. I have been feeling like such a failure these days. The look from the cashier at Walmart when Tommi didn't listen when I told her not to stand up and grab something out of the bag made me feel even worse. Look lady I promise I am in control (I think) but I was trying to pay for my stuff and move on so I didn't make a scene.
I'm a bit frustrated but this too shall pass! I think she is a bit bored these days b/c we have not been doing alot. I have tried to limit our outings and also with it being cold we are stuck inside alot. Plus the stores are so busy I'm not big on going out without help.
Potty training is going well. We had no accidents today! I have learned if I need Tommi to use the potty b/c we are leaving or I know it is has been a while, I offer to read her a book while she sits on the potty. It works great! She is such a nerd :)
Today I think TJ and I accidentally made her hold her poop in :( We were trying to get ready to go out and she kept grabbing her butt so we were trying to get her to go in the potty...offering to "hide" the potty or read to her etc. And she refused. I know she had to go...but hopefully she will tomorrow and not in her undies.
My mom and dad just bought Tommi's bike for potty training but if she doesn't get the hang of this poop thing I can't give it to her. She knows it is at my parents house and we will be there in a few days so this could be interesting. Also traveling with a potty training toddler for the first time will be interesting!
Exciting news...the year I thought I would be totally behind and stressing. I have ALL my Christmas shopping done and wrapped and I'm totally relieved. I am waiting for one more gift for TJ's grandma to get here but it is supposed to be here tomorrow or Thursday. I sure hope so b/c we are having Christmas with his grandparents and cousins on Friday.
We have 4 Christmas' going on...so starting Friday evening life will get very exciting! Friday night at TJ's grandparents house with ALL his cousins and their families, Saturday lunch time with TJ's parents, sister and her family, then our little family Christmas Sunday morning (which is basically just for Tommi b/c TJ and I didn't do gifts this year...I know it is bad but we would rather save money), then Sunday evening (I think) with my parents, brothers, and their ladies!
I have done no pictures recently....I need to get a pic of my lovely figure. But for now I will just let you all enjoy a very good depiction of how nuts my child is...we have been naked alot with the potty training and Tommi was running through the living room doing "high knees" and wearing my awesome zebra socks! I have some really cute shots from the front but since the public can view this I will not post those...her butt is enough nudity.
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