Thursday, December 15, 2011

Potty and allergic reaction!

Another great day! We did have one accident but I'm still happy with just one.

Tommi went all day with no accidents at home...I did not have the courage to venture out, plus I was not feeling the best so I wasn't in the mood to get dressed to face the world :) But we did not have an accident till we went to TJ's grandmas for dinner, where Tommi actually did pretty well. She did tell us she had to go a few times but they were false alarms. While playing under a table with her cousin, Tommi pooped in her undies. Grr! On a positive note...I didn't have to change her whole outfit only her undies. But still changing poopy undies is not as easy as poopy diapers...but we survived and I'm just hoping she will learn soon to tell me she has to go poop. From what I have read kids usually poop train before pee...but of course my kid is backwards!

Well when TJ's mom brought Tommi to me her face was super red. After closer investigation she had welts all over her a serious allergic reaction! I got her changed and then checked her face again and it only had some red marks left. She has a few scratches where the welts were so I am wondering if her cousin scratched her and she reacted to something on his hand or under his finger nails. Definitely weird...esp since she did not eat anything new. TJ's mom said it could have been the newspaper she was playing with but I have no idea. I gave her some benedryl before bed and put allergy cream on it. Hopefully it was a freak thing and will not happen again b/c it definitely freaked me out!

We went to the church after TJ's grandmas to help with some stuff for the Christmas play and on our way there Tommi said "I have to pee mommy" OH CRAP! I was not prepared once again but we were still close to home so I stopped at a restaurant parking lot and was gonna have her pee in a cup in the back of the car but she refused. So I took her in the restaurant (fast food place) and she barely tinkled. We made it all the way to the church...25 min drive. She said she didn't have to go when we got there, but when she did tell me she asked if she could do it in a cup...which was a crazy adventure. We went to the bathroom at least 5 times b/c she wanted to pee in the cup...every time it was a little tinkle. I finally got her on the toilet and she went...thank God!

We got home in one piece also with no accidents...she told me right after we left she needed to pee but I told her to just wait till we got home b/c I didn't think she really had to go. She likes to use it as a control thing I have found. So as long as she has not just drank she is gonna be ok. She likes to tell me only minutes after I leave her room in the evening that she has to go as a scheme to get out of bed...and I can not deny her b/c well maybe she does have to go. What a stinker!

My lesson learned...I need a potty in the back of the car and I also need a travel potty seat cover type thing so she is more secure on the big toilets. I have some paper-ish covers but they are a pain. A girl in my mom group told me about the perfect potty for the car and it doubles as a travel seat for the toilet. I'm gonna check at Target tomorrow to see if they have something similar to what she suggested but if not I'm ordering it.

I'm trying to learn to chill out some b/c I am SO annoying when we leave the house asking her every 5 min if she needs to go.

Also I'm super relieved to say TJ's aunt is gonna watch Tommi when I have my drs appt next week! Yay!

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